Garbuglio è un nuovo capitolo di apparentemente /ap:arente'mente/

La scelta dei materiali questa volta è selettiva: in un sacchetto a parte si raggruppano le corde, i nastri e i residui tessili che si sono ammassati sulle spiagge della costa occidentale della Sardegna dopo alcuni giorni ventosi e con forti mareggiate.

Grovigli di fibre artificiali che le onde intrecciano agli elementi naturali.

Tutto il resto è come apparentemente: raccolta, composizione, scatto.

"Last year I spent the summer at the famous New England fishing village of Gloucester, and made a series of photographic still-lifes of rotting strands of rope, a discarded glove, two fishheads, and other commonplace objects which I found kicking around on the wharves and beaches. For the first time in my life subject matter, as such, had ceased to be of primary importance. Instead, I found myself involved in the relationships of these objects, so much so that these pictures turned out to be deeply moving and personal experiences."

[…] "These photographs appear to be a representation of a deep need for order. Time and again "live" forms play their little part against a backdrop of strict rectangular space — a flat, unyielding space. They cannot escape back into the depth of perspective. The four edges of the rectangle are absolute bounds. There is only the drama of the objects, and you, watching."

Aaron Sikind | The Drama of Objects (1945)

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